Why use our services?
Our organization is aimed at searching solutions for corporations and public sector entities, with full and recognized experience in consultancy and advisory in administrative, financial, accounting and tax topics. We offer to work with strict respect for the law, regulatory, environmental and cultural compliance, thus ensuring ethical and responsible management in all our projects and services.
Our services include:
- Diagnosis, development and implementation of IFRS and IPSAS
- Financial accounting, tax compliance and reporting
- Payroll management
- Treasury management
- Evaluation and design of the compliance management system, including the prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing and other crimes.
- Evaluation of corporate governance structure, human resources, with a view to the preparation of general purpose financial reports, in accordance with IFRS on sustainability.
- Due diligence

Companies that trust us
for comprehensive solutions and exceptional results.

and Integrity
for the Law
Achievement Orientation
Continuous Communication and Integration

Members of AGN International
AGN International announces that the Peruvian firm Sanz & AC has joined its Central and South America (CSA) membership.