Discover who we are and what drives us: a dedicated team of professionals committed to offering specific solutions in the financial, accounting and business consulting fields.

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Mission Statement

To be an organization made up of professionals oriented towards improvement and quality, with a commitment to respect our code of conduct and professional ethics. As well as, the permanent search for knowledge d technological updating. Creativity and teamwork, are characteristic of our independent professional practice.

Organizational Vision

To be an international benchmark in the provision of administrative, financial, accounting, tax and related consulting services.

Our Commitment

Our commitment is to quality in service to our clients, and to respect for society through our actions. We are permanently involved in updating and disseminating knowledge as a means to successfully confront complex situations, which has led us to establish a wide network of relationships with highly qualified Peruvian professionals.

This fact allows us to form ad hoc multidisciplinary teams, work groups within which market trends are discussed and the bases on which we design new services are defined to keep our actions aligned with them.

Another commitment of the members and associates of the organization is to permanently contribute to raising the academic level of the accounting profession in the country, which leads us to maintain an active and permanent presence in national regulatory entities and in professional associations, developing and promoting legislation projects, as well as regulatory directives, some currently in force in Peru; as well as, and with special interest, in university teaching and research activities.

Our commitment to society leads us to incorporate university interns so that they can practice in the professional world.

Work tools

Knowledge / Work Team


Technological innovation
