Hilda Sandoval Cornejo
Chartered Public Accountant – Master in Strategic Business Administration

In the public sector, holding senior positions in the housing sector: Minister and Vice Minister of Construction and Sanitation, General Manager of the Materials Bank, advisor to the MIVIVIENDA Fund and member of the Board of Directors of SEDAPAL; In the economic sector, she advises the Ministry of Economy and Finance on management of public companies and budget programs; General Manager, Advisor and President of the Internal Control Committee and the Working Group for Gender Equality in the ONP Pension Standardization Office, President of the Commission Ad Hoc Law 27965, FONAVI Money Refund Law, Head of Risk and President of the Internal Control Committee of PROINVERSIÓN, Executive Director of FONAFE, holding company for public companies. In the private sector, as a financial auditor in auditing companies.
Current consultant at the Latinger Group, in Governance, Comprehensive Risk Management and in the design and implementation of Fraud Prevention Systems, Corruption Crimes, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.